UFOlogy is the array of subject matter and activities associated with an interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). UFOs have been subject to various investigations over the years by governments, independent groups, and scientists. In this category we speak about of it in different way. If you are an UFO lover this category is for you!
UFO spotted by US fighter jet pilots, new footage reveals – BBC News UFO Spotted: The video was filmed in
Ghosts, Spirits and Orbs if you want to know some interesting history about it, it's the right place!
More than half of all Americans believe in the existence of spirits or paranormal activity despite the lack of scientific
World population has reached 7.5 billion and among of this ton of people there are very strange cultures!
Today speak about of bizarre ayes around the world! The life is always full of bizarre stories in many parts
There are a lot of things on the earth that can't be explained! Mysteries and unbelievable things are the main subjects of this category. Are you a curious person? This category is for you!
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved Scientists May Have Finally Cracked the Greatest Mystery Behind the Bermuda Triangle. How